Saturday, October 27, 2007

Keeping Busy

Here are some pictures I took today. These folks were living on the sidewalk.
I decided one way to keep myself busy while Kim was in surgery was to go out, snap some pics and put them on the blog.

Hope you enjoy. Kim's surgery is over. That's all I know so far. de

This is the mall here by the hospital
The sidewalk folks live right across the street from the mall.

A local tea spot and----------------- some working boys.

Sunrise today------------------------- right

Propane delivery guys ----------- Anyone need shoes?

Not sure what this means.---------- Hospital landscaping crew

Gas station and---------- the local Ice guy

jockeying for a spot on the bus!

working boys

Hospital front & foyer entrance, empty at 8:30 packed an hour later!

Bath anyone!

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Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the surgery is over. I know you both are relieved. Will continue the prayers.
On the road to see my grandkids this morning. I will check in when I get back this evening.
God bless you both.
Bill R.

Anonymous said...

So happy the second surgery is over. Prayers are continuing for both of you. God is so Good. Pat G

Anonymous said...

We're happy that God has answered many prayers. While at HEB this week, we kept you & Kim in our prayers. Weather was the best ever and bonding with each other in the Lord continued.

We understand the intensive therapy after hip surgery but we know it will be worth it. We will continue to read your blog and pray.
Much Love,