Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dia De Los Muertos

I think I figured out some things. My whole d-week thing was just leading up to Tuesday and Dia De Los Muertos. For all you non-hispanics reading this and that's all of you, that means "day of the dead." I don't know a thing about it but the Houston Barnicle as some have called it, says its "simultaneously solemn and festive, for they remember the dead and celebrate life." Sounds right to me, except I did for a whole week. I haven't yet figured out how to do the ofrendas or offerings to the dead. If you want to check it out, for real now, go to
You'll have do search for muertos cause I haven't figured out how to put the links in yet.

One of the coolest things about my week day 2 was going to Lane, where the burial was. Outside of town is the Lane Cemetary where my dad's parents, Ivey Lee and Josephine are buried. I've only visited their grave once or twice so that was good. We sang another song for the group gathered there, heard the few more words from the preacher, hung out a bit and left.

One of the things I like to do in old cemetaries is to read the names and see how long the folks have been there. I didn't find anyone particularly old headstones but on the way out we saw a lady buried there by the name of "IMA HUMMINGBIRD." I swear on grandpa's grave that was her name. she lived well into her 90's. The only other person I've heard of named Ima was the great Texan Ima Hogg. I think given the two I'd rather be Ima Hummingbird.

More tomorrow about Lane. How far is heaven? I just gotta know how far!


1 comment:

Aaron said...

So you had a "Semana De Los Muertos" (week). I wish I had some funny names to throw out...but I'm blank at the moment.