Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Diwali!

That's right, Happy Diwali, well yesterday officially. It's India's version of Christmas but totally different. It's the festival of lights, happiness, giftgiving, and forgiveness. This time last year we were in India, post Kim's two surgeries, enjoying the local Diwali festival and celebrations. Actually it was a few days later into the first part of November but Diwali bumps around much
like Easter does for us. No, we're not Hindu or anything remotely connected to Hinduism but, its a significant time that will always be special to us. We ate at an Indian restaurant yesterday. We promised we'd dress in our Indian clothes and go out to eat. With the house and everything that's going on with that, we just didn't have the time. Lord willing, next year. We'll light a candle, thank God for our many blessings, and remember Diwali as something special.

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