Monday, November 05, 2007

Doctor Malhan Update

It's been a busy, busy day for us both. I woke up early to check on the progress of the Texans to see that they finally got in the win column again. I guess what it takes for them to win is for me to pick against them in KHOU's profootball upickem contest or for me to go to India. I think I'll stick with just picking against them. Then it was breakfast, another load of laundry in a bucket, to the gym for a quick workout, and back for my dentist appointment. If you want it done here, they'll do it, and pretty darn quickly. Deni, the scottsman, has had dental work, and today had a cataract removed, not counting both hips being resurfaced. He'll be a whole new man. I've had the most thorough physical health check I've ever had at once and today, two fillings, cleaning and polishing, for just over $100, and in just under 45 minutes. It was intense but I was thrilled to get it done. I hate going to the dentist. Then had a consultation with an endocrinologist, since I am diabetic. She went over all my records and results with a fine tooth comb and finished by saying, "I wish all my diabetic patients were like you." I do try very hard to do all the things I'm supposed to do to keep it under control and for now, praise God, it is well under control, even under stress! If you're in the diabetic boat with me, please work hard to take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, take your meds, and have regular checkups. If you're not, work hard to take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, and have regular checkups.

Kim will soon be engaged in her 4th therapy treatment of the day. They are working hard to get her ready to bug out of here on Wednesday afternoon. Lord willing, we'll fly about an hour to Goa for the rest of our time here. Hopefully there, we'll rest, enjoy not having a new hospital wing under construction outside our window, eat some fresh seafood, continue the rehab and let Kim continue to heal. Dr Malhan gave her a little more lengthy rehab time that what she probably anticipated. Deni is already on crutches and when Kim asked about it he responded by saying that Deni walked in on his own two feet, no cane, no walker, so he's more able to go to crutches. She's doing great behind her walker and he said she'd probably need it for as long as she's been using it, probably 3 or 4 months, then a cane for about as long as she's been using it, more than a year. That's the reality. He asked her how many people she knew that had undergone hip replacement and how many of them had been using a cane or walker prior to their surgery. The answer was we knew no one that was in the shape she was in prior to surgery. So, its gonna take awhile for her to be able to walk normally. Her muscles just don't know how to do it and they have to be rebuilt and trained.

So here's a heads up when you see us next. Kim will be using the walker for some time to come. She's doing great, her legs are moving well and without the pain she had, but its going to take awhile before she's running any races or even walking unassisted, but its coming! So pray for us and for patience. I know its not something a lot of folks pray for because you don't get patience you get tested. This is hers, mine, and ours. She's gonna need all the positive encouragement she can get.

Gonna rest a bit before I go to a local man's house for dinner. I met Sharad at the gym a couple of days ago. He noticed I wasn't from around here and he spoke great english. He inquired about where I was from and I said Houston, TX. Ah, Houston he said. As we talked I told him I was really from Baytown but that no one would know where Baytown, Tx was all the way over here. He said, Baytown huh, "I lived and worked in Baytown for more than 3 years as an employee of US Steel in the mid 1980's. Talk about a small world. We struck up a friendship. I went over to his house a few nights ago and am going for dinner tonight. They sure eat late around here. Dinner's not until 8 pm or after. Sharad left Bombay back in 1965 and came to the states to pursue his education. He a citizen in 7 different countries. He's about 65 or so and is still consulting part time around the world. Quite a character. You just never know who you're gonna meet and where.

Cya, de

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Here's some local boys playing cricket. It's really the only sport in town.

And a neighborhood street at night


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys,
so glad to hear you will be leaving the hospital soon!! I'm sure you can't wait. Our love and prayers are with you both.
We are counting down the days til you get home

Anonymous said...

I am doing "catch up" today because I have been out of town (no computer) Sounds and looks like everything is going well! I looked at Allison's blog--pictures of Noah/Halloween! How cute is he??!! We really miss you guys--David, glad to hear that you are getting "the once over"while there.
Give each other a hug for me and Mother said to be sure and tell ya'll she loves and misses you. Our prayers continue to be lifted up for you both.

Anonymous said...

can you ask the scottsman the price of a cataract removed. I have two of those i just dont need anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hi, What a blessing that everything is going so well. David, thanks for the details, we like hearing all about your experiences.

What a small world to meet someone in India that lived in Baytown.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Pat G