There's all kinds of firsts. I think this is the first time I've blogged from the airport. Kim and I currently in Miami, awaiting our next flight to sunny St Thomas. We began planning this vacation some 9 months ago not knowing that we would be just on the heels of hurricane Ike. It's been one incredible week at the home port of Baytown. Hard to believe its been only a week! Seven days ago the storm was just beginning to subside and we were still trying to clean up all the water that got into the house in the wee hours after part of our roof blew off. By yesterday the back room of the house had been pretty much gutted, all the ceiling sheetrock and insulation had been removed along with the laminate floor. What a stinking, nasty mess it was. We then sprayed the exposed rafters and roof deck underside with an antimildew spray, let it set, and then began the process of wiping it down with clean water. Hopefully that will kill all the mildew that was beginning to set in pretty rapidly. Now all I need is a new roof. Hopefully that will begin this week. FEMA came by and looked around. Nice enough guy but I don't know that we'll get anything from them. You have buy your generator after the fact for them to reimburse you. If you actually prepare for such an event you're out of luck. That's backwards if you ask me but the government never asked me. Our contractor is ready to start on the house once we get power and some insurance money. Haven't seen any sign of either yet. Still running on generator power for the time being. Jared's there trying to hold down the fort till be get back from a weeks vacation. I'll be blogging from St Thomas about our experience, if I can wake up from trying to catch up on my sleep. Thanks for reading and commenting and mostly for praying for us. We've got a long road to get things back to normal at the house but compared to many we're really, really, blessed.
More later, gotta fly, and catch some ZZZZZZs
de & ke
Have fun on your trip. We've been praying for you guys. Hope things get better soon!
David and Kim, Have a great trip--enjoy. All are in our prayers. Hope to see you soon. Pat G
David and Kim, Have a great trip--enjoy. All are in our prayers. Hope to see you soon. Pat G
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