Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Fever is Here!

I'm not sure where it comes from but its here, the warmth, the sun, the itch. Yes, its the itch to be outdoors. No, its not baseball spring fever. It's just being outdoors fever. I'm always looking for excuses why I wait so long in between blogs. This time I'll blame it on the spring. It makes me want to dig in the dirt and plant stuff, whether it grows or not. I'll just keep digging and buying plants and seeing if I can encourage them to grow. At my old house I had planted flower beds pretty much every where I thought I could and they were full. My prospects for new ones were limited. But now, in our new place its pretty much a blank slate. The youngest and I did do some major stuff in the front but the back remains a project, so I dig. Blame it on my dad who I think spent more time outside than inside when he got home from the office. Much of it was out of necessity because the garden provided the bulk of the family foodstuff from spring onward. If we weren't eating it fresh out of the garden, mom was canning it so we could eat it later. I hated the garden cause he made me work out there, now I love it. What's with that? I don't know but I'm out of time. Gotta get back to the office so I can get finished so I can get home so I can get out to the yard. It's warm out there.

cya in the yard,

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