Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What If!

I'm just not much of a gambler. Never have been. A number of things lately have made me rethink that but that's what non-gamblers do, they rethink. I guess my most significant rethink was the Astros playoffs. As a season ticket holder I got the playoff invoice for all playoff games in my mailbox. I mulled over the almost $2000 invoice for only a couple of minutes before deciding what the odds were the Astros would make it to the playoffs. What if I'd bought those playoff tix?

The reason the invoice was so expensive was because you had purchase all tickets all the way through to and including the World Series. The Stros in the Series, not in this lifetime. I'll be rethinking that one for the rest of my days. Not too many months ago I could've prepurchased Rolling Stones tickets at the Toyota Center. I'm not a huge Stones fan so, I passed on the gamble @ $400 per ticket. Lost on that one. Sold out show tickets going for a grand apiece. What if?

Today after reading about Rose Bowl tickets, I thought about the shopping I did for those about a month ago, when I tried to get my sister to take my dad to Pasadena, CA. Cheap by today's standards. Could've made out big, even if they didn't go. What if?

Then there's my non-gambling wins. I didn't buy Big 12 Championship tix, or Cotton Bowl tix, which I had the opportunity to buy and didn't. If you don't gamble, you don't win, but you don't lose either. What if I'd been stuck with 15 Cotton Bowl tix, like I thought about getting when it looked like OU might go there or 8 Big 12 Champ game tix, very early on. Thank goodness I didn't buy em that early. What if?



Heather said...

ebay, my friend, is a wonderful thing...

Aaron said...


Tailpipe Terry said...

Yesterday ended last night. Git on with your bad self and stay focused on Narnia.
And Happy Birthday to Heather today
Dec. 9

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