Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Look On The Bright Side

It seems like a lot of folks are depressed about the recession/depression, whatever name you give it. And certainly there are reasons for concern...in many areas. It affects all of us and some in major ways but the truth is...its not all bad. Folks are eating at home more...conserving more...saving more...doing more less costly, more simple things together...and that's good. I believe it causes us to a large degree to rethink our priorities and that certainly a good thing. Do I really need that...do I have to have that...is that truly important.

While I think these things privately, you really have to look for the good news. Oh yeah, most of the major evening news networks tend to close with a feel good story of some sort but that's not what traditionally sells news...its bad news that sells. But its the good news that gives us hope and makes us feel good. Here's a bit of good news from today's Houston Barnicle.

The Recession Could Actually Be Good for You!

Yes, that's right, good for you. I'll let you read the article for yourself but suffice to say the Great Depression is described as the "low point" of the 20th century, it lasted for four years, unemployment reached almost 23% but public health was never better. During difficult times you may have to look harder for good news...but its always there!!

Slow down...stay home...eat a home cooked meal together...save some money...spend time with family...take a nap. It's all really good for you.

I think its nap time...cya,

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