Monday, August 31, 2009

Any Mouse Fuzz Lately?

I tried really hard today to have a normal Monday. Monday's are probably my least productive days, only because they follow Sunday, often my busiest day. And my only work day as most people count preachers but that's another story. After yesterdays day, I was whipped. Actually it was not just Sunday but the Friday and Saturday leading up to the Sunday that all piled together made it difficult. Yesterday was all in all a great Lord's day with an excellent worship, open hearts to the Word of God, lunch with friends, almost a nap, umpired an exciting pew ball game, and our Life group really reached out and ministered to a family. All the stuff that has the potential to make Sunday a really, really, fine day.

I was standing in the driveway with the bride following group, getting ready to get in the truck when my cell phone rang, uh oh, Baytown PD. No, its not a "you're in trouble" kind of call but "there's been an incident, are you available to come and minister." That's my calling folks, so I go. From the time the phone rang at 6:45 til almost midnight last night I tried my best to represent God to a bunch of police officers, detectives, friends, family, and neighbors of a young lady whose 2 month old baby had stopped breathing on her own couch. Not the way anyone wants to spend Sunday evening or any other time. Certainly not how that family wanted to spend that evening.

So today, I'm trying to be normal, productive, got a busy weekend in store again this weekend. Then 2/3rds through the day, my mouse all but stops moving to the right. Moving left is grand but not right, nada, nothing. Know what it was? Mouse fuzz, that's right mouse fuzz. After banging on it, blowing on it, and looking at with disgust, I decided to turn it over, open it up and check it out. The mouse ball, I guess its called, came rolling out, along with a big ball of mouse fuzz. Maybe there's a better technical term, I don't know. I banged it on the mouse pad some more and blew on it some more trying to avoid eating or inhaling any aforementioned fuzz. And man, I can't believe all the fuzz that came out of there. You just never know what's going to clog up your days somedays. You never know what may cause your weekend tired to go haywire. For me, today it was mouse fuzz.

If you look back up to the top of my header it says, life in H-town, "not too seriously folks." Gotta go now. It's back to work and then to H-town for MNF, Brett Farve, and Adrian Peterson.


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