Monday, October 05, 2009

Not Related

Maybe you saw the news release and story this past week about "Ardi." Ardi is short for Ardipithecus ramidus, "the oldest pre-human species yet found. Ardi, a she ape, lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia." Fascinating stuff that apparently has the scientific world all agaga. They finally found the missing link.

Oops, sorry strike that...quote "Ardi is not the long-sought "missing link" -- the ancestor that scientists say humans and apes have in common -- but comes close. And it helps show that both human beings and apes have evolved from something, about six million years ago, that did not look much like either."

My scientific your comment please...says, we're not related at all. Ardi's description looks to me like some sort of hybrid, long arms that are perfect for swinging from the trees, but feet that helped her walk upright. Well, I've gotta state here and now on the public and Ardi...we're not related. How do I know? We don't look at all alike. Whadda ya think?

Nah...I barely have any facial hair at all.

Not too seriously remember? See ya in the jungle!!


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1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Doesn't look like an Okie to me.