In the grand scheme of things my highest priority is trying to become a better disciple of Jesus. It's a day to day work and a life long work as well. Some days are certainly better than others but I wake up every day thankful for the fact that God loves me and is at work in my life. Right behind that relationship comes my family, my lovely bride of almost 30 years (come Dec), yes dear I remember. When she married me my folks were thrilled, (I was getting a terrific upgrade) but her folks...well lets just say they were not quite as thrilled...and probably with good reason. But again, through faith, she believed the Lord still loved me and through Him there was hope...for her, for me, for us. Our journey in trying to follow Him and let Him lead has been nothing short of amazing. I suppose that's why He called us to "have faith," not in what you can see but faith in the One who is leading. Boy is that hard. She works so hard, trying to help so many teachers and students to have a better education. She pays a hard price physically to travel and to do what she does. But deep down she does it because its what she feels she's called to do.
Right there in line on my list of priorities has been my kids. Raising kids is certainly a blessed part of God's adventure in growing, learning, and having faith. Now that they're all grown into adults, the family thing takes on a different light but still another part of the journey of faith, of prayer, and of hope. So today, I'll take a moment to brag once in awhile about my kids.
Our daughter married her ideal life mate, a creative, intelligent, loving, yet sometimes strange, God-fearing man who makes her laugh and helps her learn to not take life so seriously. Why is that important, because she does take life pretty serious, along with the fact that she's a seriously talented, gifted, and compassionate soul, sometimes to her detriment. Thanks J for loving her, making her laugh, and for letting her pursue her passions. For her, her passions lie smack in the middle of her creativity, her photography, her cakes, her friends, her love for children, and family and the Lord as well. If you haven't checked out her stuff online, let me suggest you do. Here's a link to a photo she did recently for a book that's coming out for an
singer named Joe Pernice. Pretty cool and worthy checking out.
Our first son married the love of his life too. He says that he fell for her the very first time he saw her and I understand why. She's totally supportive to him in every way that I know of. She stays home and pinches pennies so that she can stay home and raise those two beautiful grandsons of mine that she bore. Thanks Al? What more could you ask? Not to mention that they too continue to look for the Lord's direction for their family as disciples. He's got the vocation and responsibility of someone much older and shoulders it all very well it seems. I know it can't be easy. When I see him as a dad, how good he is with his boys, how much he loves his wife, and how he works for them, I can't help but wonder where it came from? Must've come from his mom, thank goodness.
Our youngest is different yet from his older siblings. Kim's grandma used to say that she had 13 and that they were all completely different personalities. I certainly believe it. J hasn't found the love of his life yet. (He seems to be on a temporary hold). He's not quite through with all the schooling he wants to get, and yet I know I am as proud of him as I am of the other two. He's faced some major obstacles in his life from early on that the other didn't face. School was a struggle for J but with lots of help from his mom and good teachers he learned to forge ahead, work at it, to get through it and succeed. He shares some his sisters bent for always wanting to help folks and doing so, maybe sometimes when he shouldn't. But that's who he is, the people person I am not. He connects with folks in a way that is surely a gift from God and they connect with him almost as quickly. He is a special soul and I can't wait to see what all God has in store for Him. I know he'll find it and am proud of where he's going.
Well, enough bragging for now. I can't recall the last time I did. We ought to all brag once in awhile when the opportunity comes or at least tell those we love how proud we are of them. None of us do that enough. Besides, the whole reason we can be proud is because, God is good.
why not try it on someone today?