Monday, March 31, 2008


Greetings bloggers or at least blog readers, ye who spend an inoridnate amount of time surfing for something interesting to do or to read. I recommend moving on to the next stop because this is not all that interesting. In fact, the bride and I are becoming quite normal again, as much as we ever were "normal." We're doing things we haven't done in years and not really thinking about it too much. You probably don't think about it all that much but the bride is again cooking, cleaning, laundry, even getting her own gas and going to get her car inspected. I know it all sounds very normal for the spouse to do that stuff but my sweet bride hasn't been physcially able to do that in well....years. I'm not sure how many but several, it just hurt too much to move around.

We went to Houston on Friday, visited someone in the hospital at St Lukes, then on to Reliant to the NCAA BB games. We parked, we walked, did stairs, and walked and walked, like normal folks do and don't think much about it. For years we haven't been able to do that kind of stuff but now, we can do it. Praise God. I got my wife back! I'll probably begin sometime to take it for granted again but I'm not sure when. Mostly I just walk, hold her hand, and periodically smile and enjoy her ability to keep up with me.

Oh yeah, Wockhardt Hospital in India contacted us and want mom to come to Vegas to speak for some kind of medical seminar in May. Their International Relations person has 30 minutes and wants mom to speak for 10. They're going to pay our way. Very cool indeed.

Here's a link to the thing she's speaking at. Scroll down and see Pradeep from Wockhardt in Mumbai. She's taking some of his 30 minutes.

Welp, got jury duty today. Onward to do my civic duty.

cu down the road,

Site Meter

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